I apologize for being skeptical and I sincerely hope my opinion will not cause any negativity, BUT, I just can't accept anymore of these personal accounts about the supernatural.
Believe me, no one has more incentive than I (at present) to want to believe in something for the sake of my daughter, who is now gone. But, in all of my years, I literally have tried to have some of these similar experiences that others post and I have never met with any success, other than simply convincing myself and causing my own mind to play tricks on me and induce morbid fear.
The mind is powerful. Whatever it can conceive, it can believe and then achieve! If we believe there is something unusual about a place, or an object, we will start searching for proof. We will sub-consciously tempt our own selves into thinking and believing something supernatural exists, and something is at work and that danger is present.
I have done that to myself numerous times as a catholic and as a JW. In retrospect, I now realize it is all infatuation and superstition and imagination. Fear is the improper use of the imagination. It is just not logical for a set of beads to rattle, or for any object to start moving and defying physics.
Why would any spirit or supernatural force that is attempting to frighten to gain control use such pathetic means to establish a presence? If such entities exist, why would they waste their time and effort? Why not simply appear, communicate and interact with the human subjects in question and frighten and control them to their desire? I have to be logical and assume a more powerful being would also be more intelligent and just simplify the process.
Also, if spirits exist, what in the world are they waiting for, an invitation? It is so absurd that superior forces would rely on inanimate objects as launching pads and platforms for entry into the human realm. It is just plain stupid.
Also, why aren't all humans contacted? Why are only religious adherents at risk? I wonder if Thomas Paine, Carl Sagan, Aasimov were ever contacted by evil demons and spirits attached to special objects.
I just can't believe the level of imprisonment some of us are still undergoing!
Utopian Reformist
JoinedPosts by Utopian Reformist
Demonic exorcism by a JW elder
by out of the box inwe moved into an apartment on the 2nd floor.
we were jws at the time, and the family on the first floor under us was studying.. the girl downstairs started hearing noises during the night and finally hearing steps up to the side of her bed.
she was so scared she hadn't slept in a while and was so tired.
Utopian Reformist
Questions about new system
by joelbear inif everyone is perfect who will win tennis matches or chess games?.
how will animal populations be controlled if there are no predators?.
just how many baskets of fruit can you eat in 1000 years?.
Utopian Reformist
would we be able to drink water from the ocean?
would we be able to ride animals for transportation?
would we cease digesting and discharging waste since we are perfect?
would all odors (pleasant & unpleasant) cease to exist?
what color clothing would choose?
would dangerous weather become tempered and docile (no pun intended)?
would you run to the other side of the planet, just because you had time and could do it?
would you have hundreds of children?
would you try to meet everyone on the earth to have millions of friends? -
Did you or ex-spouse apologize for divorcing you because of the j.w. cult?
by hubert inhas anyone on this board that ended up in divorce (mainly) because of j.w.
problems, ever received an apology from their ex for divorcing them because of religious differences?.
like, maybe that since the divorce the ex got out of the org and realized that they were wrong to divorce you at that time?.
Utopian Reformist
Hi Hubert! I get excited when you post a topic because I know you are up there in the north typing away at your computer.
[edit], and reflecting on how and why we got married in the first place, I realize I never would have married her at all knowing what I know today. It would only have amounted to nothing more than a temporary fling. But, since we were both former pioneers, both suffering from depression, both lonely, both separated from family (she was DF'd twice), we were in the same set of circumstances. -
Who Was The Most Corrupt WTBTS President?
by Ticker ini say it was j.r. rutherford and i sum up my reason in one word as follows;
greed for power and money.
Utopian Reformist
Cuckoo has made a unique point about Rutherford. It does take sheer audacity, arrogance, pride, huberis and a very large ego to adopt the moniker "JUDGE" and become a self-proclaimed religious authority.
That is a very contrasting difference which sets this buffoon apart from the others, who may very well have displayed the same character traits, but not as publicly as this jerk. -
What Belief or Teaching Do You Think The Watchtower Will Next Abandon?
by minimus indo you believe the society will just stay on automatic pilot or do you think some "new lite" is in store for witnesses?
Utopian Reformist
Hi W! (Finally Free):
I do agree with you for the most part. Controlling individuals/entities generally respond to a loss of control (or perceived loss of control) by "tightening the reins". However, when I specualte that new positions of service may be created for sisters, I don't mean they will enjoy more freedom, JUST NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO WORK HARDER WITH A NEW TITLE!
Perhaps by creating some new so-called privileges of service for women, those sisters that are becoming tired of the pioeering grind (your so-called sales force), the WTBS can offer something new and refreshing to make the same old stale work load appear like a new challenge, direction or spiritual initiative.
You are right about some eventual new light surfacing soon to light the flames of armageddon paranoia again before the candles flicker out and complacency begins affecting the majority. They will have to make armageddon more attractive now that everyone has internet access and they will have to carefully posture their evidence as the release the new and improved signs of of the end.
Nice Post. -
What Is The Worst Movie You Have Ever Seen?
by horrible life insonnyboy hated napoleon dynamite .
elsewhere hated deuce bigalow; european gigolo .
my all time worst movie was arnold i saw it in about 1974. had roddy mcdowell.
Utopian Reformist
Since I have wasted money on so many bad movies, I have been forced to create a list of criteria to prevent myself from falling into the same trap.
Here are some recent movie traps I fell into:
Napoleon Dynamite; Boys don't Cry; Alexander the Great (whoever heard of blonde greeks?); TROY (another blond greek?) ;
I now consider the following criteria an instant warning sign of a bad movie:
1. Madonna has something/anything to do with the film at all
2. Jennifer Lopez has something/anything to witht he film at all
3. Jessica Simpson & Britney Spears have something/anything to with the film at all
4. The movie is based on the lives of former SNL characters
5. The movie is a remake
6. The movie is a recent sequel
7. The movie has something/anything to do with any reality shows on TV
8. One of the leading actors is a member of the church of scientology
9. Pamela Anderson has something/anything to do with movie at all
Recent favorites:
The Life of David Gale; KPAX; Something's gotta give... ; King Arthur ; Gladiator ; Passion of Christ;
That's all I can think of for now -
Who Was The Most Corrupt WTBTS President?
by Ticker ini say it was j.r. rutherford and i sum up my reason in one word as follows;
greed for power and money.
Utopian Reformist
I apologize for being fastidious, but, since I believe corruption can be categorized, I think there are several candidates to choose from in the WTBS heirarchy.
As far as generally accepted standards of moral behavior and conduct are concerned, I believe we may have a tie between RUSSELL and his possible pedophilia; and/or RUTHERFORD with his rumored womanizing and drunkeness and embezzling.
As far as political corruption is concerned, that trophy must go to FRANZ for knowingly, and willingly continuing to perpetuate the lies and make them appear believable. He could also make room for the writing staff and for Nathan Knorr for really converting the religious machine into a corporate business like facade.
In then end, they are one and all guilty. -
What Belief or Teaching Do You Think The Watchtower Will Next Abandon?
by minimus indo you believe the society will just stay on automatic pilot or do you think some "new lite" is in store for witnesses?
Utopian Reformist
Thx Ascot! Great to be back and getting a different brand of therapy from the JWD family! It's a life saver, for real.
What Belief or Teaching Do You Think The Watchtower Will Next Abandon?
by minimus indo you believe the society will just stay on automatic pilot or do you think some "new lite" is in store for witnesses?
Utopian Reformist
Addendum: Upcoming Changes in Doctrine (Speculations)
1. I believe that the WTBS "re-arrange" and possibly modify the current requirements for PIONEERS, AUXILIARY PIONEERS and SPECIAL PIONEERS.
The reasons for the change are:
A) the reduction in hours, volunteers and pioneers in developed western nations.
B) the need to make special service assignments more appealing, easier to attain and demonstrate a demand
2. I believe the WTBS will receive "new divine light" regarding the roles and responsibilities of christian women in the organization, and thus, create/invent new positions of service for sisters.
The reasons for new positions of service for women are:
A) new service positions will not adversely affect the current structure designed to promote male oversight
B) to prevent any possible development of any trend towards a gradual exodus of women out of the organization, since the vast majority of recruitment and support work is performed by women
C) that new positions represent a "reward" from Jehovah to the faithful workers who emulate PROV 31.
3. I believe the WTBS will again receive new light and being carefully re-writing/modifying the written instructions in publications like "Pay Attention & Organize to Accomplish Ministry" that are provided to "spiritual agents" of the local congregations.
The reasons for re-writing instructions are:
A) there is a need to legally define, distinguish and separate the potential liability in case of judgmental errors, policy errors, enforcement errors and human errors made in dealing with indiviual adherents.
B) to protect the WTBS from expensive litigation and prevent negative publicity
C) to shift the burden of responsibility and legal liability to the individual in congregational service rather than implicate the WTBS in any dangerous matter
Those are my three main specualtions, although I have others. Most of this is already known and probaly already contained in some previous thread. -
What Belief or Teaching Do You Think The Watchtower Will Next Abandon?
by minimus indo you believe the society will just stay on automatic pilot or do you think some "new lite" is in store for witnesses?
Utopian Reformist
The WTBS is and will always continue to cleverly, secretly and cautiously refrain from emphasizing certain doctrines that have become controversial and difficult to maintain, such as 1914.
Historically, the WTBS will cease to devote publicized printed material to a doctrine that is generating uncontrollable controversy and causing decreases in membership and recruitment. The typical approach (check older threads from AlanF.) has been to quietly scale back the public teaching and printing of a certain doctrine.
After a period where in which the WTBS leadership works behind the scenes to either re-invent, re-write, or modify the doctrine and include inventive and creative biblical and divine justification for the change, then the doctrine is allowed to gradually re-surface in it's "new and improved" state and the rolls are asked to make adjustments.
If it cannot be re-invented, then it quietly disappears from the publications, then from the platform and then from the shelves, until it has disappeared from the JW vernacular. Older JW's who take longer to adjust are viewed as "stale and not keeping up with the truth and light" and are encouraged by youngers ones to keep pace with God's organization.
You have all seen and experienced this in the past with 1975, the Generation teachings, how to treat disfellowshipped/disassociated ones, etc, etc, etc.
The WTBS has so far cautiously avoided making a broad and recognizable acknowledgment of public error and public retractions of doctrinal controversies in recent times and will probably continue that unwritten policy and method of casually, subliminally and gradually removing certain issues from the JW feeding table.